Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More cherry blossoms

IMG_6219, originally uploaded by jdong.

It is always so sad when they fall, but looking at this photo, they really are still so beautiful...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sakura - Cherry Blossoms

sakura, originally uploaded by kaycatt*.

The weather report tells me that our cherry blossoms will be in full bloom by the weekend. Time for ohanami? The school year is ending and a new year beginning and time to think about what kind of year we want it to be. More on that later...


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Where I want to be...

Where I want to be... originally uploaded by bananas for breakfast.

I love this middle picture of Cathdral Grove...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Balanced at Cathedral Grove, BC

I love this photo, too!

Are you balanced? Another goal for 2009!

cathedral grove 3

cathedral grove 3, originally uploaded by iGrrl.

I am looking for a photo in Flickr's Creative Commons licensed photo pool to use as my "Origins" photo in my Images4Educators class through TESOL. I am trying to find something with trees and forest and this photo of Cathedral Grove by iGrrl really appealed to me. What do you think?

I have to write a poem, too, so will upload that once I have written it!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Been a Long Time...!!

Wow! I have taken a year off of posting here, but want to get back into posting regularly, because I especially like that I can post pictures, too.

I will think of it as a diary for me and my family as well as a great way to keep in touch with friends, so will be sending this blog link to lots of people in the coming days and then going back to post photos and memories of 2008. I just found out that I can change the date and set it to a date in the past, so those photos will all be added in between this one and the last.

Please do keep in touch by visiting from time to time and leaving a comment or sending me an e-mail.

We all look forward to hearing from you!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Where are we headed in 2009?

The economy is going down the tubes and the news is full of layoffs... Luckily we are both busy with work, and with school and other activities. So what are my goals for the new year?

1) learn how to sew
2) start using my new bread maker
3) walk or exercise 5 times a week
4) keep in better touch with family and friends back home
5) make more stuff for teaching at school
6) involve the teachers more in planning
7) find out more about the English Note
8) make a curriculum for each grade
9) share ideas with the local ALTs - try to get together once a month
10) start a group for elementary school teachers?
11) spend a few hours per day in the office
12) organise the files
13) send info to Higashi Jimusho at the beginning of the month
14) keep up with deadlines
15) have a family cleaning day once a month

Wow! That looks like a lot!! We are a busy household, so keeping up is hard sometimes, but it has been nice to have things so clean over the holidays and I will try to keep that up.

What are your goals for 2009??